We Monitor
Through our community engagement activities, data intelligence systems, enter and view programme and our Healthwatch Champions, we continually monitor service delivery through concerns raised, feedback received and the Healthwatch Public Advisory Group use this intelligence to inform and shape the Healthwatch priorities and activities.
We Analyse
Using our bespoke evidence and insight software and in-house research expertise, we analyse consumer feedback as well as a broad range of data sources to produce evidence and insight reports and information dashboards which can provide trends, statistical and performance analysis of services for use in monitoring and challenging service commissioning and provision.
We Investigate
We use our various sources of intelligence, and our range of powers, including the ability to enter and view provider premises, to investigate where concerns about services have been raised. We promote opportunities for consumer involvement in consultations, service reviews and surveys and actively seek out consumer feedback on their experiences of health and social care services across Staffordshire. Using our powers to request information we raise issues with and seek answers from commissioners and providers in order to support our investigation of concerns.
We Challenge
Using our evidence and insight reports and data dashboards as a robust evidence base, we challenge commissioners and providers on the quality, access and delivery of health and social care services and ensure that these are acted upon. We always seek feedback on what has been done as a result of our reports, and in turn report this back publicly.
Using our evidence and insight reports and data dashboards as a robust evidence base, we challenge commissioners and providers on the quality, access and delivery of health and social care services and ensure that these are acted upon. We always seek feedback on what has been done as a result of our reports, and in turn report this back publicly.