

Healthwatch Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – 29/08/2023


Healthwatch Staffordshire Advisory Committee

Tuesday 29th Aug 2023 – Virtual meeting

Public Committee Meeting Minutes


  Item Assigned/Actions
1 Welcome and Apologies



Baz Tameez


Elaine Day

John Townsley




Derek Hoey

Nikki Taylor

Ian North

Sanji Rahim

Anna Mather




2 Declarations of Interests




3 Chair to discuss direction of committee and interests


45 minutes public meeting

45 minutes private meeting





4 Work programme Project Updates


3 Deep Dives update and Progress – BT presented update and progress report to the HW committee.

·       Access to Primary Care

·       Seldom Heard Groups

·       Root causes of good and poor teenage mental wellbeing and health outcomes when you’ve been in care as a child


Access to Primary CareAccess to Primary Care deep dive focusses on patient and provider experiences in Staffordshire with the aim of reducing some of the stress in the system for both patients and primary care providers. Findings from engagement strands is being fed back to providers and patients routinely.

The following strands of engagement have been undertaken by Healthwatch:


·        Analysis of feedback through the Healthwatch Enquiry Line and events we are attending.

·        Contact with 25 Patient Participation Groups by engagement officers

·        Carers Groups around the County

·        South Staffordshire Councillors

·        Staffordshire Social Prescribers

·        “Enter and View Visits” to a district nursing team and an integrated mental health team looking at how they interact with primary care colleagues in Lichfield.

·        Meeting with NHS 111

·        National GP patient surveys

·        Regular meetings with the ICB primary care managers to understand both countywide and local issues.

·        Joint Medicines Optimisation Group linking into pharmacy issues.


Additional Reimbursable Roles (ARRS) – Healthwatch has been supporting the ICS with their ‘Primary Care Access Campaign’ in Staffordshire and by extension Stoke-on-Trent. In line with the new ‘Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care’, by promoting the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS).

Root causes of good and poor teenage mental wellbeing and health outcomes when you’ve been in care as a child – updated on the following three areas in the table below.



Seldom Heard Groups

This deep dive has been focusing on 3 Seldom Heard:

·        Those from the Trans Community (LGBTQA+)

·        People with Neurodiverse conditions

·        Those in rural areas (rurality)

Early recommendations were also shared with the HW. These will be discussed at the next Health and Wellbeing Board Meeting on 7th Sep.









Intelligence/Feedback update – Public issues


The meeting today consisted of the deep dive feedback from residents and how to further improve on Healthwatch reporting.




Decisions to be made by the Advisory Committee


Decision Making Policy discussed and agreed.




7 Any other business

No other issues raised.




8 Date and Time of Next Meetings:


27/10/2023 at 2.30pm




Chair – Healthwatch Advisory Board Chair

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