Meet the team

Meet the team responsible for delivering Healthwatch Staffordshire.

This group provides advice on:

  • Healthwatch priorities
  • The Enter and View programme to monitor the quality of care
  • Identifying key public concerns
  • Community engagement activity

They act as the voice of the people and make sure that Healthwatch Staffordshire adheres to the core principles of confidentiality, respect, feedback, transparency and influence.

Anna Mather | Manager


Anna is passionate about people, advocating for others including everyone having the right to be a part of an inclusive community including having their health, social and wellbeing needs met. Anna has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the VCSE... more

Baz Tameez | Manager


Baz is passionate about working with seldom heard communities such as homeless people, young care leavers and people from minority groups. Baz is responsible for the strategic focus and delivery of Healthwatch Staffordshire and has a degree in Law from... more

Dave Bassett | Southeast Engagement Officer


Dave has been involved with Health and Social Care since 1972, working for Cumbria, Derbyshire and Staffordshire Social Services. He has also held senior management roles in the NHS in Leicestershire and North Staffordshire both as a provider and a... more

Emma Ford | North Engagement Officer


Emma has a law degree, legal practice certificate, and 15 years’ experience of working in the voluntary sector, including as a Volunteer Generalist Advisor at Stoke Citizen’s Advice Bureau (latterly specialising in Debt Work), and as the Media Bureau Co-ordinator... more

Claire Hill | Project Officer/Data Analyst


Claire completed degrees in Maths and Control Systems before starting her career working in Research with British Gas. She later moved to Lucas Aerospace to work in the I.T. Department supporting users in the business with software packages and... more

Daniela Ballantine | Southwest Engagement Officer


Daniela has got twenty years’ experience in the education and social care sector/s combined. During this time, she has worked mainly as a Primary School Teacher and Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) Coordinator in schools, as well as a... more

Christine Sherwood | Social Care Engagement Officer


I have 30 years’ experience of working in both Adult social care & Housing.
I have worked in both the Private and Public sectors & worked for the Local council for over 15 years. Several roles involved working with... more

Elaine Day | Chair of Healthwatch Advisory Committee

Elaine has been associated with the Voluntary sector since retiring from Headship in a 3-11 Primary School, over 15 years ago. After a period of serious and challenging illness Elaine... more

Derek Hoey | Healthwatch Advisory Committee Member

Derek has been a volunteer with Healthwatch Staffordshire since 2014 and has fulfilled a number of roles including Enter and View; he was invited to join the Advisory Board in... more

Nikki Archer | Healthwatch Advisory Committee Member

I am delighted to be a trustee of Support Staffordshire and a board member of Healthwatch Staffordshire and hope that my experiences of working in the NHS, voluntary organisations and... more

John Townsley | Healthwatch Advisory Committee Member

John has extensive knowledge and over 30 years’ experience of both commercial and statutory sectors and for 12 years prior to his retirement in 2005, was Business Information Officer in... more

Ian North | Healthwatch Advisory Committee Member

Ian has extensive knowledge and experience of the private, voluntary and statutory sectors and has been the CEO of East Staffordshire Family Support Service – Harvey Girls – Dads4Dads... more

Sanjida Rahim | Healthwatch Advisory Committee Member

I’m Sanjida Rahim, I have vested interest in health and wellbeing. I describe myself as an expert by experience in mental health and trauma both. Currently I’m researching... more