

Healthwatch Advisory committee Meeting Minutes – 08/12/2022


Healthwatch Staffordshire Advisory Committee

Thursday 8th December 2022 –

Committee Meeting Minutes


  Item Assigned/Actions
1 Welcome and Apologies



Elaine Day (Chair)

John Townsley

Anna Mather

Nikki Archer

Derek Hoey

Baz Tameez



Sanji Rahim

Ian North


2 Declarations of Interests


3 Chair to discuss direction of committee and interests

ED opened the meeting and welcomed all participants and set the agenda.

ED asked all members to talk about why they wanted to be part of this committee?

All members talked about their motivation and how this helped the committee to focus on how important it was to everyone to understand each other and how passionate the committee members were to achieve a positive outcome for patients and residents.

4 Work programme Project Updates

BT presented current HW mobilisation and project plans. Key areas where around:

What is ‘Healthwatch Future Priorities around Health and Social Care’

•        The Healthwatch Team

•        What is Healthwatch (the public voice)

•        Aims & Objectives

•        How did Healthwatch come about (Mid Staffs Scandal)

•        What we do and how we operate

•        Enter & View (the law)

•        Systems Change – to influence how health and social care services set their agenda’s, policies and procedures. 

•        Current Themes and Q&A


BT presented the deep dive investigations and how he would like to offer the HW committee an opportunity to be involved to support the engagement officers. This was welcomed by all.


Year 1 deep dive investigations:

1.  Accessing Primary Care face to face (”When I want to and when I need to”)

2.  Being a Seldom Heard/LGBTQI+ patient/resident in the health and care system

3.  Root causes of good and poor teenage mental wellbeing and Health outcomes when you’ve been in care as a child.

Actions: HW committee members to let BT know over the coming week/s about what area of work they would like to support HW deep dive investigations.

We discussed size of HW team and set expectations.

Governance and Information Advice and Guidance.

New HW remit (feedback and signposting).
































Intelligence/Feedback update – Public issues

Discussed current themes and insights around; delays in ambulances, GP delays, cost of living and aging population, and possible strikes planned by a variety of health services especially over winter period. This is also impacted more due to rail strikes that will add to travel and rurality issues.



Decisions to be made by the Advisory Committee

Committee members to let BT know if they would like to support with the Deep Dive investigations and support the engagement officers who are leading on each area.

Committee agreed to meet every two months

7 Any other business

None raised

8 Date and Time of Next Meetings:

16/02/2023 at 2.30pm – 4pm



Chair – Healthwatch Advisory Board Chair

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