

Flu vaccine clinics for school-age children

The School Age Immunisation Service (SAIS), who are the primary provider of immunisations within the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent area for primary and adolescent school children are offering the flu clinics to all school aged children, including those that are home educated and in special education schools who haven’t been able to have their immunisation in school.

  • Rising Brook HC Stafford, Wednesday 20th December, 10am-6pm
  • Tamworth Rugby Club, Wednesday 20th December, 3pm-7pm
  • Meir Matters Hub, Wednesday 20th December, 3pm-6pm
  • Leek (LMH) Room 10, Thursday 21st December, 10am-5pm
  • Small Thorne Health Centre, Thursday 21st December, 9:30-3pm

To book a clinic appointment on any of the above dates, parents and carers can call the service on 0300 124 0366 between 8.30am and 4pm. These are booked appointments only, no walk-ins available.

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